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德國維潤賽潤瘧原蟲抗原抗體快檢卡 本試劑盒主要是采用膠體金層析的原理制成,用于檢測人體血清/血漿/全血標本中,感染的瘧原蟲抗體,包括了惡性瘧原蟲和間日瘧原蟲、卵形瘧原蟲、三日瘧原蟲共有抗原的鑒別性檢測。
瘧原蟲在分類學上屬于血孢子蟲目,瘧原蟲科,瘧原蟲屬(plasmodium),寄生于人體的有四種瘧原蟲,分別引起間日瘧,惡性瘧,三日瘧和卵形瘧,我國雖然四種瘧原蟲都存在,但主要是間日瘧原蟲(plasmodium vivax)和惡性瘧原蟲(plasmodium falciparum),三日瘧原蟲(plasmodium malaria)少見,卵形瘧原蟲(Plasmodium ovale)僅發現幾例。
1 撕開檢測卡鋁箔袋,取出袋內金標卡。注意:不要讓袋內材料暴露于高溫高濕環境,撕開鋁箔袋后盡快使用。
3 取5微升(吸管*刻度處)全血標本,垂直加入金標卡上“加樣孔A”內。
4 掰斷裂解液瓶子蓋子上方的綠色圓頭,在“樣品孔B”上垂直滴加4滴裂解液。
5 在十五分鐘內出結果。注意:必須在15分鐘內判讀結果,如超時判斷,結果無效。
6 請遵循相關法規,妥善處理樣本及廢棄材料。
7 存儲條件:2-30℃;
8 保質期:18個月;
我司為美國NOVABIOS公司在中國地區戰略合作伙伴,負責該公司產品的總經銷及售后服務工作。還與各疾控中心,疾病防御中心有合作關系,例如中國疾病預防控制中心 、浙江省疾病預防控制中心 ,詳情可以我司工作人員。
( MOB:楊永漢)
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103
多形性、對稱性、瘙癢和易反復發作等特點。濕疹病因復雜,1.形態 在紅細胞內發現瘧原蟲是確診瘧疾和蟲種鑒別的重要依據,瘧原蟲在紅細胞內寄生期稱為紅內期,這一階段隨著蟲體生長,發育,繁殖時期的不同,其形態變化很大(多形性),一般可分為三個主要發育期,即滋養體期,裂殖體期和配子體期,用光學顯微鏡觀察瘧原蟲形態時,須將薄血膜涂片用瑞氏或姬氏液染色,染色后的瘧原蟲核為紫紅色,胞質為藍色,瘧色素不受染色的影響仍為棕褐色,常為內外因相互作用結果。
Head and face blood vessels, nerves, meninges, sinus, head and face skin, subcutaneous
Tissue, mucous membranes and other headache-sensitive structure, when it is mechanically pulled, chemistry, students
Stimulation of the head or body pain when the internal environment changes. There is a slight headache
Heavy, long and short pain time. A wide range of forms of pain, common pain, tenderness,
Tearing pain, electric shock-like pain, acupuncture-like pain, some accompanied by a sense of pulse and head and blood vessels
Tight feeling, as well as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other symptoms. Secondary headache can be accompanied by it
He is a systemic disease symptoms or signs, such as infectious diseases are often accompanied by fever, vascular disease
Often accompanied by hemiplegia, aphasia and other neurological deficits and other symptoms. Headache based on the degree of difference
Hazard, serious condition can make patients lose their ability to live and work. Headache diagnosis based on suffering
Head pain can be diagnosed. In the diagnosis of headache, the first distinction should be
Primary or secondary. Most of the primary headache benign disease course, secondary headache is
Organic disease caused by any diagnosis of primary headache should be based on the exclusion of secondary head
Based on the pain. The cause of headache is complex and should be focused on the history of headache patients
Inquire about the onset of headache, the frequency of seizures, the duration of the seizure, the duration, and the headache
Location, nature, degree of pain, prodrome symptoms, and whether there is a clear predisposing factor
, Headache aggravating and mitigating factor and so on. At the same time, in order to better identify the etiology and nature of headache
, But also fully understand the patient's age and gender, sleep and occupational status, past medical history and
With the disease, trauma history, medication history, history of poisoning and family history and other general conditions of headache
The impact of the disease. Comprehensive and detailed physical examination, especially the nervous system and skull, facial features
The examination helps to find where the headache is. Timely appropriate selection of neuroimaging
Learning or lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid and other auxiliary examination, for intracranial organic disease diagnosis and assessment
Do not diagnose the basis. Eczema is caused by a variety of internal and external factors, a severe skin itching
Skin inflammation. Sub-acute, subacute, chronic three. Acute stage with oozing tendency,
Chronic infiltration, hypertrophy. Some patients are directly manifested as chronic eczema. Lesions have
Pleomorphism, symmetry, itching and repeated attacks and so on. The complex causes of eczema 1. Plasmodium found in erythrocytes is an important basis for the diagnosis of malaria and insect species identification. Plasmodium parasitic in erythrocytes is called the red internal phase. With the growth, development and reproduction period Of the different morphological changes (polymorphism), can be divided into three main developmental stages, namely, nourish the body, schizont and gametophyte stage, the use of optical microscopy to observe the form of Plasmodium, the need to be thin blood Membrane smears with Wright or Ji liquid staining, the stained malaria parasite nuclear purple, cytoplasm blue, malaria pigment is still not affected by the staining of the tan, often
For internal and external interaction results.